Weather In Limassol For Up To 15 Days Ahead

Tell Me About The Weather In Limassol

The town enjoys rather temperate weather year round, making travel to the area generally pleasant and comfortable.

What Is The Weather Like In The Summer?

If you’re heading to Limassol in the summer, it will get very hot, so be prepared with appropriate clothing and shoes. If you’re saying near the coast, the evenings will bring in a nice breeze, cooling things off just nicely after a very hot day.

The warm summer days will bring lots of sun and bright blue skies, making your trip to Limassol picture perfect. In the summer months, Limassol sees days with more than 12 hours of sunshine.

What About Spring & Autumn?

Heading to Limassol in the autumn or spring? Blink and you might miss either season. The summers here are long and can arrive early and leave late so sometimes feel like there has never been a spring or summer.


Enjoy a milder time in Limassol by arriving during one of the winter months. The stifling heat of the summer has gone with some light rain and snow possible in the mountains. You won’t ever really need a heavy coat here, even on the coldest January day. The highs average 62 degrees, while the lows only drop to the mid-40s.

Does It Rain In Limassol?

If you want to avoid the rain, head to Limassol in the summer months, from June to September, when the chances of it are almost not existent. You may get the odd day but chances are slim.

The rainiest months are December, January and February, so if you want to enjoy being outside most of the time then avoid Winter for your trip to Limassol.

That said the chances of sunshine are far higher than in northern europe.

If you want to see the weather forecast for cyprus and in particular Limassol you can view it for upto 15 days ahead if you click on the grpahic below.

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