Cyprus cars are so easy to hire

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Cars Cyprus are super easy to hire all over the isand and you will get the very best price possible if you use a broker to trawl through the stock available on the date when you need to book a car.

Why Use A Broker?

The first reason is because it saves time.

If you need to go through each and every website for the major global care hire companies available for cyprus and the individual good local ones, how long do you think that would take.

Another reason is price matching.

A broker has the economy of scale at its disposal. You won't find that necessarily using a local search.

What about insurance?

A broker can get you competitive insurance prices

Back up if things go wrong?

To be honest I would rather pay a little more for my cheap care hire in Cyprus (is that a contradiction in terms?) and know if things went wrong I am covered.

Nothing would annoy me more than having to naff about with a local agent who is so worried about margins and the cost of things going wrong, that a claim would be a waste of my time and their sanity.

Car Quality

I want to get what I pay for. Quite a few times the hire car has not been up to scratch and trying to change it at 1 o'clock in the morning after a tiring flight is just a nightmare. Get what you pay for first time round.

So Who Would I Recommend For Cheap Car Hire In Cyprus?

Well, I would recommend the following broker for the following reasons:

  • Award Winning Car Hire
  • Strong Customer Service
  • Price Match Guarantee
  • 3 Step Booking System
  • Huge Choice Of Vehicles
  • Pre-bookable Extras
  • Hire using your currency
  • No Hidden Costs
  • Good Range Of Pick-Up Points Around Cyprus
  • They Embrace Social Networking With Twitter & Facebook

Price Match Guarantee

I particularly like this particularly feature because it benefits you the consumer.

This guarantee allows you to contest a car rental price should you find it cheaper and you can do this right up until the start of your rental period.

So if in your search for cars cyprus you find a better deal, just let them know it is the:

  • the exact same car
  • who the supplier is
  • you must match if airport or non airport pickup

and they will price match the deal without question.

Pick Up Points

I also like that this broker has several pick up points across the island which you should find useful in your search for cars Cyprus, here are the locations:

  • Aphrodite Hills Resort
  • Paphos Airport
  • Larnaca Airport
  • Limassol Town
  • Paphos Town
  • Polis
  • Nicosia

Anything Else I Should Know?

Want to have advance notice of cheap car hire Cyprus?

If you join their newsletter you will get first dibs regarding guaranteed cheaper prices, exclusive deals and advance notice of special promotions before they go on the public website.

They also have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube and they have recently introduced a Flip Video Camera lending library.

If you are interested in learning about the worlds largest car hire broker, who offer fully inclusive pre-paid car hire without any hidden charges and provide you with their lowest price guarantee, just click on the search box below and see if you can find your best deal.

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